Learning to Inspire
Learning to Succeed
Learning to Develop
Learning to Excel
Learning to Respect
Learning to Appreciate
Learning to Share
Learning to Challenge
All students with a medical need will usually be identified before they join King James I Academy in year 7. Discussions with families usually begin the term before they start in Year 7 and are part of our transition process. A document is given out to parents/ carers asking for home to declare if their child has a medical need that needs enhanced support or to be monitored in school. It is essential that parents make school aware of any medical needs
For students joining the school at other points in the school year, medical information should be shared at the initial school meeting.
Students with allergies or a condition which is sensitive to various foods must provide information from their GP so that we can ensure the school kitchen is fully aware of dietary requirements.
Students with medical needs have a care plan which is regularly monitored by the SENCO and our trained medical staff in the main office. We have a designated medical room located near the main office where medication and support can be administered.
School staff also receive regular training to support students with medical conditions and work with specialist colleagues when needed to ensure that student’s medical needs are supported effectively and that any change in need is quickly put in place.
If a student any change to medical needs during the academic year need to be reported to the SENCO via the school office.