The evaluation and success of our SEND provision at King James I Academy integral to our continued development and strive for excellence. We evaluate our success through:
- The monitoring of classroom practice by the SENDCO, Subject Leads and Senior Leadership.
- The progress made by SEND students in terms of target grades in core and other subjects.
- The performance of SEND students in nationally accredited tests and examinations.
- The analysis of student tracking and testing data for both individual pupils and cohorts.
- The monitoring of policy and practice by the SEND Governor.
- Comments from parents and students through parent and student voice.
- External evaluation by Durham LA and OFSTED inspections
- Parental involvement, and the involvement of external agencies , especially attendance at reviews.
- Information collated in order to self-evaluate the success of the department, building on success and looking for areas for improvement and innovation. Target setting and continued development.
Ongoing, up to date, CPD for staff and support assistants to ensure all staff are informed and highly skilled to successfully support all students in King James I Academy.