King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


End of Year Activity Day for Years 7-10

July 2024

Each year, during the final week of term at King James, we treat students to Activity Day, where Heads of Year organise a variety of fun activities for students in their year group.


Media Studies trip to Beamish Museum

July 2024

Media students in Years 10 and 12 have visited Beamish Museum to study how sets, props, costume, hair and make-up are combined to reflect a specific time period; in the media industry this is called mise-en-scene.


Sports Day 2024

July 2024

As part of our busy programme of events for the last week of term, our PE Department organised four Sports Day events, one for each year group from 7-10.


Topical Talk Festival

July 2024

Working with Mrs Donnison, students in Year 9 have been able to get involved in the Topical Talk Festival in partnership with Eton College and The Economist. ‘Topical Talk’ is a programme from The Economist Educational Foundation, which supports weekly discussions about the news.


Teamwork Award for STEM Girls

July 2024

Four students in Year 9 have achieved the Industrial Cadets Teamwork Award 2024 as part of our extra-curricular STE(A)M activities programme. The programme is an initiative from the nationwide educational charity, EDT.


Studying food provenance at the Great Yorkshire Show

July 2024

Year 9 and 10 students in our Food & Nutrition Department have enjoyed a full-day educational visit to The Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate. The focus of the trip was food provenance and sustainability.


Work Experience Week 2024

July 2024

Each year, students in Years 10 and 12 take part in Work Experience Week, with placements in a wide variety of sectors.


Geography outside of the classroom

July 2024

As part of their Geography lessons, students take part in a variety of practical field trips to study topics directly relating to their classroom learning. This boosts their understanding by giving real life context to their learning.


Latest news in Computing

July 2024

Computer Science is the fastest-growing STEM subject, but despite its popularity and excellent career opportunities, girls continue to be outnumbered by boys. Our IT Department is working hard to remedy this.


Latest news from Modern Foreigh Langauges

July 2024

Our Modern Foreign Languages department works hard to enhance classroom learning with a variety of exciting activities.
