Parent and Carers Support

Parent and Carers Support Mental Health and Well- Being

It is important to understand that we all have good days and bad days, ups and downs and that is part of life. It ensures we are able to be resilient and work through the bad to then appreciate and enjoy the good. As parents and cares we recognise these times and support our children through them. To be able to understand low mood or depression is important so we can look out for signs which are not normal. Feeling sad is a normal reaction; everyone feels low or down at times and children and young people (just like adults) can be upset by many different things that might occur. But if the feeling is more than just sad or it persists for a longer time, then everyday sadness or low mood may move into something more serious such as depression. Children and young people may see themselves and the future in a negative way, feel hopeless, or no longer feel or seem themselves.

Identifying the signs

Symptoms can include:

  • being moody and irritable
  • not being interested in things they used to enjoy
  • not wanting to go to school or go out
  • often feeling tired or exhausted
  • becoming withdrawn and isolating self from others
  • feeling unhappy and miserable or becoming tearful
  • sleep problems or sleeping a lot
  • changes in appetite
  • being self-critical
  • feeling hopeless and/or worthless

As parents and carers, it can be hard to know whether your child’s feelings and behaviour are normal or becoming a problem.

This leaflet was developed by the Anna Freud Centre's child mental health experts and features an introduction form the Centre's Chief Executive, Professor Peter Fonagy.

It provides simple advice and guidance to parents and carers about how to make conversations about their child's feelings part of everyday conversation.

Support leaflets


Aimed at 11 and 12 year olds

Advice for parents and carers: talking mental health with young people at secondary school - Mentally Healthy Schools

As parents and carers, it can be hard to know whether your child’s feelings and behaviour are normal or becoming a problem. This leaflet was developed by the Anna Freud Centre's child mental health experts and features an introduction form the Centre's Chief Executive, Professor Peter Fonagy.

Aimed at 11 to 16 year olds


This guide will help parents and carers understand the importance of good mental health, and how they can support their child.


Young Minds Matter: guide to caring for the mental wellbeing of a child - Mentally Healthy Schools

Mentally Healthy Schools was originally developed in partnership between the Anna Freud Centre, Young Minds, Place2Be and The Royal Foundation as a legacy project of the Heads Together campaign.