
Mhairi Stewart

Our Safeguarding Team

Our Designated Child Protection Lead is Ms Mhairi Stewart. She is supported by two Deputy Safeguarding Officers, Kelley-Anne Aldsworth and Kirsty Mawdsley.

We work closely with other agencies to ensure that the needs of our students are met.


Mhairi Barnfield
Child Protection Lead
Kelley-Anne Aldsworth
Deputy Safeguarding Officer
Kirsty Mawdsley
Deputy Safeguarding Officer


Simon Whitehead - Head Teacher and SLT link for safeguarding

Elizabeth Varley - Chair of Governors and Governor link for safeguarding


Making a Safeguarding Referral

If you are a member of staff, safeguarding referrals should be made immediately to our Designated Child Protection Lead Mhairi Stewart via CPOMS

If you are a parent or a member of the public please contact our office staff on 01388 603388 and request to speak with Mhairi Stewart or email the academy on or by using the form below:

Your Name:
Your Email:


Key policies

All School Policies

Prevent Policy

Child Protection Policy