Check Connections
- Ensure you are connected to the internet
- Wired connections are more stable than Wi-Fi
Set up Properly
- Be ready to join the LIVE lesson in good time and have the link ready if you can.
- Have the correct equipment, pencil, pen etc
- Have your work book to record notes and lesson content.
- If there is an issue, always try closing the browser and re-loading the link or try a different browser.
Listen Carefully
- Avoid any background noise.
- If possible wear ear phones.
- Be in a quiet place and keep your background neutral to stop distractions.
Manage Disruptions
- When in the lesson keep your microphone on mute.
- Switch off any notifications.
- Shut down non related browsers to support 100% focus.
Ask Questions
- Use the comment box to raise your hand to tell your teacher you have a question.
- Start your comment with Q so you teacher know you have a question
Make Contributions
- When invited by your teacher unmute your micro phone and share your thoughts.
- Make your own notes and record information you will need to complete your work.
- Be patient and remember that there are other students on the live lesson that could be saying something too.
Show understanding
Use emojis/reactions to show you understanding rather than typing a message as it can block the chat.
Respect Other
- Do not interrupt each other.
- Respect others contributions.
- Be kind to others.
Important aspects to think about for Online Learning
- Don’t overshare / share personal details.
- Only use secure websites (https)
- Don’t click on any suspicious links.
- Know who you are talking to - only talk to people that you know.
- Know that if you don’t like something, cross off the browser or turn off your computer all together.
- If you need support/notice something that is not right know the people in school that you can contact and people at home you can tell.
- Try to limit your time on electronic devices – have regular breaks.
- Make your digital footprint positive!