16-19 Tuition Fund

The 16 – 19 Tuition Fund 2021 to 2022 Academic Year


What is the 16-19 tuition fund?

The 16-19 tuition fund for 2021/22 is a follow on from the one-off funding for the 2020-21 academic year only. It is ring fenced funding for schools, colleges and all other 16 to 19 providers to mitigate the disruption to learning arising from coronavirus. The funding should be used to support small group tuition for 16 to 19 students in English, maths, and other Level 2 or 3 courses where learning has been disrupted. The criteria for students to be eligible for learning support via this funding stream is as follows:

  • Students who had not secured a grade 4 - 5 or above in English and / or Maths at GCSE
  • Students who had secured a grade 4 or above in English and / or Maths and are from an economically disadvantaged area
  • Students with SEND who have experienced additional disruption to learning due to their specific needs


 How will we use the 16-19 tuition fund?

King James I Academy is eligible to £16,000 from this fund to provide additional support for students. This support will be delivered via learning support staff and will take the form of:


  • Small Group (3 – 7 students per group) support for students studying English and / or Maths at either GCSE level or L1/2 Functional Skills to support with progress in these key qualifications
  • Small group and 1:1 tuition, across relevant vocational and other level 3 subjects, to support students make appropriate progress where there is an identified need in relation to catch up and progress
  • Subject specific intervention for targeted students provided by specialist teaching staff in order to maximise engagement and progress

Download Tuition Fund Statement as PDF