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King James I Academy Governing Body


                                Chair of Governors 

Elizabeth Varley


                                Vice Chair of Governors

George Campbell




Date Appointed

Term of Office End

Appointed By

Eileen Brewis

22/11/2021 21/11/2025 Members

George Campbell



Governing Body

Gillian Campbell

22/05/2024 21/05/2028 Co-opted

Rachael Dobinson




Kirsten Lightfoot

01/06/2022 31/05/2026 Members

Lisa Lumley-Imerson

 08/03/2021  07/03/2025  Staff

Andrea Naylor

16/02/2022 06/06/2024 Members

Craig Robinson




Elizabeth Varley



Governing Body

Daniel Wheatley

31/03/2023 30/03/2027 Staff



Name Date Appointed Term of Office End

Sharon Boughey

15/03/2023                       30/11/2023

George Campbell



Gillian Campbell

14/11/2022 30/11/2023

Nicola Robinson

10/10/2022 30/11/2023

Elizabeth Varley





Name Date Appointed Term of Office End

Simon Whitehead





 Terms of Reference

Chair:                                      Elizabeth Varley        

Vice Chair:                              George Campbell

Committee Members:            George Campbell, Gillian Campbell, Rachael Dobinson, Kirsten Lightfoot, Lisa Lumley-Imerson,    

                                                 Simon Whitehead, Craig Robinson, Elizabeth Varley (Chair), Daniel Wheatley



Strategic Leadership and Accountability:

  • In collaboration with school leaders, to determine a clear and explicit vision for the future of the Academy and ensure this is communicated to the whole organisation.
  • Set strong and clear values and ensure these are embedded across the organisation and adhered to.
  • Determine the strategic direction for the Academy.
  • Monitor and evaluate student progress and attainment against targets by receiving reports and information from the Headteacher and other school leaders to compare against national and local benchmarking data.
  • Receive reports from committees, working parties or individuals and agree actions.
  • Approve the SEF and monitor throughout the year.
  • Approve the Academy Improvement Plan priorities and monitor throughout the year progress towards agreed actions.
  • Ensure there is a transparent system for performance management of all staff which is clearly linked to the Academy priorities.  Have oversight of staff performance throughout the year through the work of the Pay Review Committee.
  • Ensure there are mechanisms in place to listen to and respond to the views of parents/carers, pupils, staff, local communities and employers, through involvement with the Parents Forum.
  • Agree recruitment process to be followed in relation to SLT posts.
  • Final approval of the annual budget plan.
  • Monitor the school’s budget throughout the year through the work of the Finance, Property & Pay Review Committee and Budget Working Group Sub-Committees.
  • Agree virement and expenditure limits for the Headteacher through the ratification of the Academy’s Scheme of Delegation.
  • Hold 3 termly meetings each academic year.  Ensure that committee meetings are held in accordance with the agreed terms of reference.
  • To read termly and consider the ‘Headteacher’s report to Governors’ paying particular attention to the outcomes section, and ensure all governors have a good understanding of pupil outcomes.
  • To monitor and evaluate the provision for all groups of vulnerable students.


People and Structures:

  • Appoint Committee Chairs or delegate such appointments to each committee, as appropriate.
  • Consider proposals from Members, with regard to the delegation of functions to individuals or committees.
  • Agree committee terms of reference and membership.
  • Establish a register of Governors / Trustee business interests and manage the process of declaring interests.
  • Ensure Governors information on online registers (Edubase) and the school website is up to date and compliant with current requirements.
  • Appoint and / or agree the appointment with Members, of new Co-opted, Community, Member Appointed and where necessary Parent Governors (following an election process) to the Board.
  • Review and monitor the Governor Induction Process.
  • Have regard for Governors professional development through the work of a nominated Governor and the SLT Lead.
  • Where necessary, support Members in suspending or removing Governors from the Board.
  • Appoint/dismiss the Clerk to the Governing Body.


Compliance and Evaluation:

  • Consider business provided by Local Authority and other sources.
  • Suspend or end suspension of staff members through the work of Staff Management of Capability Committees.
  • Ensure all statutory policies are in place and there is an effective policy review cycle.
  • Review and agree the Governor Code of Conduct.
  • Confirm arrangements for completion of a Governor Skills Audit.
  • Ensure there is regular self-evaluation and review of individual’s contribution to the Board as well as the Board’s overall operation and effectiveness.
  • As necessary, consider an external review of the Board’s effectiveness.
  • Ensure school website is up to date and compliant with current DfE requirements.