Learning to Inspire
Learning to Succeed
Learning to Develop
Learning to Excel
Learning to Respect
Learning to Appreciate
Learning to Share
Learning to Challenge
Welcome back to King James. I would like to start by saying well done to our students, parents and staff for continuing to support education throughout the period of lockdown. 110,855 pieces of work were set and completed during the period of lockdown - a huge achievement!
Our teachers and support staff have worked tirelessly to help our students and to keep in touch. Despite the many challenges we have all faced, the King James team has never been stronger. All members of our school have worked hard and have been there for each other.
As we look forward to a new academic year we have a solid foundation upon which to build. We have prepared our school and we are confident and ready for the further challenges we might face. The health and safety of our students and staff is our priority and we have put in place
numerous measures to ensure that we can continue to deliver high quality learning in a safe environment.
Congratulations to our GCSE and Sixth Form students who, despite the frequent changes in national policy, managed to gain credit for all of their hard work over many years and had lots to celebrate on results days. The class of 2020 will forever be remembered for their resilience and determination and for their achievement against the odds. They now form part of the illustrious history of King James.
So, we have faced and defeated the challenges of 2019-20 and we are now refreshed and ready to face, I hope, a quieter year ahead. I would like to wish students, parents, staff and friends of King James a happy new (academic) year and I hope that you and your families enjoy good health, happiness and prosperity for the year ahead.
Best wishes, Nick Grieveson