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Anthony C achieved four A* grades and secured his place to study a Masters Degree in Computer Science at the University of Oxford.
Students at King James I Academy and Sixth Form Centre are celebrating the best ever set of A-Level results, with a 100% pass rate across all courses and 100% of students who applied to university successfully securing places at top institutions.
Students achieved fantastic outcomes across a range of courses. In Business, over 50% of students achieved the top grade possible, and in Maths over 60% of students achieved an A* or A grade. A special mention goes to Anthony C, who achieved A* grades in all four of his chosen subjects, Computer Science, Maths, Physics and Further Maths; he will now go on to the University of Oxford to study Computer Science. In other subjects, 100% of Performing Arts students achieved the highest possible grade, and 87% of Sport students achieved a Distinction or Distinction*.
Luke G, who achieved a Distinction* in Psychology, an A in A-Level Maths and a B in A-Level Physics, will now go on to study a Degree in Astrophysics at Newcastle University, and Katie R, a talented sportswoman, achieved a Distinction* in Sport, an A in both Maths and in Further Maths, and a B grade in Geography. She will now study Geography at Durham University. A deserved mention also goes to Holly L, who achieved an A grade in Maths and B grades in Biology and Chemistry, securing her place to study Veterinary Science at the University of Nottingham.
Nearly 50% of the Sixth Form cohort at King James will attend university in September, whilst a number of others have successfully gained apprenticeships. Congratulations and best of luck to them all.